Saturday, August 31, 2019

Multisensor Strategies to Assist Blind People Using Gsm

MULTISENSOR STRATEGIES TO SUPPORT BLIND PEOPLE USING GSM Abstract: The development of electronic sensing devices for the visually impaired requires knowledge of the needs and abilities of this class of people. In this project we present a rough analysis that can be used to properly define the criteria to be adopted for the design of such devices. In particular, attention will be focused on clear-path indicators, highlighting their role in orientation and mobility tasks. A new device belonging to this class is presented. The detector is based on a multisensor strategy and adopts smart signal processing to provide the user with suitable information about the position of objects hindering his or her path. Experimental trials demonstrate the efficiency of the device developed. Introduction: About 1% of the human population is visually impaired, and amongst them about 10% is fully blind. One of the consequences of being visually impaired is the limitations in mobility. For global navigation, many tools already exist. For instance, in outdoor situations, handheld GPS systems for the blind are now available. These tools are not helpful for local navigation: local path planning and collision avoidance. The traditional tools, i. e. the guide dog and the cane, are appreciated tools, but nevertheless these tools do not adequately solve the local navigation problems. Guide dogs are not employable at a large scale (the training capacity in the Netherlands is about 100 guide dogs yearly; just enough to help about 1000 users). The cane is too restrictive. The goal of this research is to develop a wearable tool that assists the blind to accomplish his local navigation tasks. Fig shows the architecture of the proposed tool. It consists of a sensory system controlled by the user. The primary data needed for local navigation is range data (which is not necessarily obtained from visual data alone; at this point, the type of sensors is still an open question). The mapper converts the range data into map data. The local map is the input to a warning system that transforms the map data into a form that is suitable for communication. In order to give the blind person freedom of movement, he must be able to control the focus of attention of the sensory system. For hat purpose, the tool must be provided with a man-machine interface Block diagram: Ultrasonic sensor Object detect sensor circuit Alarm MAX 232 Microcontroller At89C2051 GSM module RF Tx RF Encoder RF Rx Decoder DSP Speech IC Head phone Amplifier The ultimate goal of this project is to provide an electronic tool for the local navigation task of the blind. The tool must provide information about the dire ct surroundings of the blind to enable him to move around without collisions. We assume that, although mostly unknown, the environment does have some structure such as in an urban outdoor situation (e. . a street), or in an indoor situation: smooth floors, now and then a doorstep, stairs, walls, door openings and all kind of objects that possibly obstruct the passage. We start with three sensor types: stereovision, optical flow, and sonar. Preliminary research has shown that other types of sensors are also of interest, e. g. ladar, radar and infrared (detection of people and traffic). The system should be expandable such that the information from these types of sensors can be integrated easily in a later stage of the project. Functioning overview of this Projects: 1) Whenever the blind want go to particular place, before that he will set the path through mobile. 2) Wherever he wants to go he has to carry this system. 3) When he is going out his system will communicate to house through GSM. 4) After receiving the data from blind system, it will communicate through voice using head phone. 5) This same data will send to house by GSM. 6) The house members can monitor the blind through mobile and which street, which area he is going. ) This system will support the blind and the children also. 8) The ultrasonic will support the blind distance of each object. 9) RF will support the path name, signal identification. Advantages: 1) Automation of all Customers to communicate through remote GSM using mobile. 2) Save data using automatic control systems. 3) Less cost to communicate. 4) Less power to automate. 5) Increase Safety. 6) To increase n number of person to communicate and automate. 7) Easy and fast identific ation system. Future scope: The application of this project to help navigate people around unknown places has a large scope of development in the field of technologies it uses. With the advancement in the technology, readers are getting smaller and faster with greater ability to self program. Conclusion: We made an attempt to create a prototype for assisting blind people to sense the objects around them so that we can reduce the probability of collisions. More over by using more efficient and reliable components we can make a reliable one which effectively visualizes the blind people. 1.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Saturation Sampling

The parameters that underpin quality research especially qualitative research keep changing and so the need for more clarity and transparency. The lucidity and transparency of reports from qualitative research form the basic philosophical foundation upon which the rigor as well as credibility of the qualitative study is evaluated. Qualitative studies are highly anchored on the quality of the reports generated and thus there is increased emphasis on the data collection stage. Given that all reliable targets may not be available to the qualitative researcher, the concept of saturation sampling allows the researcher to survey all the identifiable targets. In other words, saturation sampling helps researchers to overcome problems of lack of intentional sampling frames. For that reason, the researchers will attempt to survey all samples available. In addition, Fontanella et al (2008) add that saturation sampling allows the researcher to take a multifaceted approach in the study by removing the limits to the techniques of data collection, the mode of use, and the type of data collected. This boosts the reliability of the investigation by providing as much information as possible (Fontanella et al 2008). An example of a research study that employed data saturation is found in the ‘Public Understanding of Science- Journal’ titled ‘Ethno-cultural community leaders’ views and perceptions on biobanks and population specific genomic research: a qualitative research study’ by Godard et al (2010). The authors of the article note that due to the large gap existing due to lack of sufficient data on views and perceptions of communities on biobanks, their qualitative study required an in-depth interview of ethno-cultural leaders but the public’s involvement was also important. In the conclusion of the study, the researchers found that leadership and general public must equally be involved in the partnership even if the public is not informed of the significance of the biobanks. In addition, the model allowed the researchers to identify various socio-cultural and ethical issues that impact on the effective performance of biobanks.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Weeping Child, Hidden by an Evil Front Essay

Many people say, those who can become good are not truly evil and that those who can become evil are not truly good. A person who is truly evil must have no remorse for the bad they have done. A truly evil person can never become good. Lady Macbeth and her husband Macbeth commit the ultimate evil. Together, they kill their King and afterwards murder and deceive many others. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth is depicted to be an evil and cruel woman in the beginning, but in the end it becomes clear that Lady Macbeth is not completely evil because she knew that what she was doing was wrong, was merely trying to please her husband, and shows complete remorse for her actions. In the early scenes of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is portrayed to be a cruel and evil woman, but despite her actions she still realizes her wrongdoing. As she plots and demeans her husband she seems to be the backbone of the plan to kill the King. According to Bernad, a published literary critic, â€Å"She is the ambitious, unscrupulous, cruel woman who would pluck the infant smiling at her breast and dash its brains out. But beneath this iron front is a heart of flesh†¦ † (52). Lady Macbeth is putting on a front of evil to try and make her self think that what she is about to do is okay. She may seem to be evil, but she is in fact completely aware of how wrong her actions are. She even mocks the manhood of Macbeth saying, â€Å" Art thou afeard/ To be the same in thine own act and valor/ As thou art desire? Wouldst thou have that/ Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life/ And live a coward in thine own esteem,† and even suggests he is more of a woman than she is, however, she cannot kill Duncan herself (I. vii. 43-47). She begs the spirits to unsex her,† Come you spirits/ That ten on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,† knowing that she cannot do the terrible things that she must as the woman she is (I. v. 47-48). Even though she claims she could dash her infant’s brains out, she cannot find it in her to kill Duncan herself due to his so called resemblance to her father. All of the evil she seems to be in the early scenes is self-proclaimed. Lady Macbeth puts on this front of evil, but beneath it all she knows that what she is doing is ultimately wrong. Lady Macbeth not only knows her wrongdoing, but is also unselfish, doing all of this with her husband in mind. Her evil persona is simply bravery. Bernad writes, â€Å"To bolster up her husband’s courage, she puts up a brave front; but when alone, she shows how empty handed she is† (52). Although Lady Macbeth does have something to gain from Duncan’s death, she is trying to get her husband courage up to do something that he ultimately wants more than anything. This is a quality of unselfishness, which is far from evil. In front of him, she simply washes her hands of the blood as if it is nothing, but behind closed doors the blood would remain. Lady Macbeth knows as soon as she receives Macbeths letter that he wants to become the King. She says, â€Å"It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness/ To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great,/ Art not without ambition, but without/ The illness should attend it† (I. v. 17-20) Lady Macbeth knows that Macbeth wants to be the king. She also knows that without being pushed, he will not do this for himself. In order to be the unselfish and ultimately good wife she is, she must put on this brave and evil front to get her husband what he wants. She thinks of her husband and not of herself when she pushes him to do this evil act. Lady Macbeth is not an evil woman; she is simply an unselfish woman who must be brave for her husband. Remorse is another characteristic Lady Macbeth had that is not evil. A completely evil person has no guilt for the bad they do. As the play continues and begins to come to an end, a new side of Lady Macbeth is shown. A side is shown of a more feminine, and helpless woman. Bernad writes, â€Å" She has become like a scared little girl, suddenly conscious of all the wrong she has done†, and â€Å"she has become almost a pathetic figure† (52-53). By the end of the play Lady Macbeth has become crazy, consumed by her guilt. Her previous front of evil is completely erased and her true vulnerable side is shown in her sleep. As she confesses her guilt and wrongdoing, she becomes an object of sympathy. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"The thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now?/ What, will these hands ne’er be clean? No/ more o’ that, my lord, no more o’ that. You mar all/ with this starting† (V. i. 44-47). As she says this she knows she will never be able to get rid of the guilt. She asks if her hands will ever be clean, referring to the guilt she will always carry with her. She then goes to bed, and falls into a sleep she will never wake up from. As Lady Macbeth becomes overwhelmed with guilt, as Bernad says, â€Å" She is the heart-broken girl sitting on the doorstep, weeping over her broken doll. No man is so callous as not to have compassion on her weeping† (52). As Lady Macbeth begins to crumble, there is no evil to her. She is simply a broken woman. Lady Macbeth’s unselfishness, remorse, and complete knowledge of her actions show that she is not completely evil. Although she seems to be evil throughout the early scenes, she realizes that what she is doing is ultimately wrong. This is a trait of a good person and not an evil one. Another one of these traits is her unselfishness. All of her bad actions throughout the play were made simply with the goal to get her husband what he wanted. Lady Macbeth ultimately feels guilt and remorse for all of the wrong that comes out of what she has done. Lady Macbeth is not completely evil because she has traits that a completely evil person cannot have. No person with the ability to do good, and care for others is a completely evil person.

Rene Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rene Descartes - Essay Example "I think, hence I am, [this is] so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however extravagant, could be alleged by the skeptics capable of shaking it, [therefore] I concluded that I might, without scruple, accept it as the first principle of the philosophy of which I was in search." (Descartes, 1989, p30) This is fair enough from a depth psychological perspective. Although psychic energy (particularly archetypal energy) is more usually regarded as Jungian Depth Psychology's starting point due to psychic energy being primordial and universal. It is the view of Jungians that it took millenia's of human psychological evolution to produce humans like Descartes who are capable of such great attentitive, focused, reflective thought. Nevertheless, for Descartes, he was primarily focused on this own individual self, and for that reason his starting point is accepted here. "Thus what I thought I had seen with my eyes, I actually grasped solely with the faculty of judgment, which is in my mind." (Descartes) We can be certain of psychic reality. We can be largely certain of much physical reality but what Descartes is saying here, is that outer objects may not be seen as they really are. We have no way of knowing. We cannot get beyond human limitations. Where Jungian Depth Psychology parts from Descartes is in limiting his thinking to one type directed consciousness thinking. But before coming to that we can briefly state what is positive in this Cartesian method. It has already been noted that it took millenia's of evolution to reach the stage where one could reflect, think, be attentive and focused in the way that Descartes was. Because for Descartes, the true way of living was to 'think'. A thinking thing must think in order to be healthy. For... Rene Descartes was a major philosopher of the seventeenth century, belonging to the school of continental rationalism. Descartes sets out in his Discourse on Method to doubt all that could be doubted, albeit not to end up believing in nothing, but rather so that he would believe in only that which really was true. We can be certain of psychic reality. We can be largely certain of much physical reality but what Descartes is saying here, is that outer objects may not be seen as they really are. We have no way of knowing. We cannot get beyond human limitations. Where Jungian Depth Psychology parts from Descartes is in limiting his thinking to one type†¦ directed consciousness thinking. But before coming to that we can briefly state what is positive in this Cartesian method. It has already been noted that it took millennia's of evolution to reach the stage where one could reflect, think, be attentive and focused in the way that Descartes was. Because for Descartes, the true way of l iving was to ‘think’. A thinking thing must think in order to be healthy. For Descartes, this thinking must be free from passion and prejudice if it is to be healthy†¦ and if it is to â€Å"operate with perfect rational clarity and thereby attain certain knowledge†. Descartes (as good as) perfects ‘directed thinking’ appropriate to his ‘pre-Freud’ and ‘pre Jung’ time and place.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Internet as a Waste of Time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Internet as a Waste of Time - Essay Example Most people without internet are not able to receive news on time, and the much they receive compared to the amount accessed in the internet is very little. Most researchers, apart from their field or laboratory work, acquire statistics and facts via the internet. On the other hand, students, lecturers and persons get lots of information that they need easily from the internet instead of consuming much time in libraries searching for their preferred piece of work. Thus, from the internet, information access is easy hence saving time. Currently, businesses conduct their activities through the internet. This helps them save a lot of time. The major improvement in the business world is the online buying and selling of goods and services. For instance, boutiques display their products online using their blogs and interested customers shop online. This saves on time as in normal cases; customers are required to go to the boutiques to shop. Interviews in most businesses have gone online wh ereby the interviewees send their CVs and related documents hence the interviews take place. Therefore, much time consumption reduces. Internet use boosts Self-development. People are able to share their ideas and talents largely via internet. Talented individuals display their work in audio, video and written forms. They develop their talents and boost their esteem through the positive criticism they receive, for example like and comments. Civic awareness is important for all individuals and is widely gained through the internet. Civilization of individuals is automatic for internet users thus saving time on awareness campaigns. Internet sites enhance making friends, a major part of everyone, for example twitter. (Mark, 2006) in his article- â€Å"Scientists: Internet, Chat rooms Good for Teenagers.† published in the London Times quoted, â€Å"Regular users of teen chat rooms tend to be more engaged with their communities than the rest of their age group, and their online i dentities play an important role in the self-discovery of adolescence, researchers said† (Ward, 2008). The internet serves as a tool for communication. There are many internet sites for communication today such as facebook, twitter, my space and many more. Users reach each other both locally and internationally easily through the internet. This mode of communication saves money, as these sites are very cheap to access. Time is also highly saved, as the internet is fast and highly effective. For instance electronic mails.†The internet is not diminishing community activity, but simply transferring it to online communities.† (Justine, 2001), a professor of communication studies at Northwestern University said this. Internet is the utmost source of entertainment globally. Internet users access different forms of entertainment such as, music, movies, games and other exciting activities. People save time as people do not have to wait for the release of tangible forms of entertainment, that is compact discs, DVDs etc (Solove, 2007). The youth especially do not need to go out to dance clubs, cinema theatres, frequently to get entertained as internet offers them the source for their preferred choices. The use of internet has reduced manual labor force for many companies and industries. Hiring many employees is now an outdated practice thus saving time for interviews and money that used to pay the workers. Politically, online voting has reduced time wastage for both the government

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Federal Laws & Segregation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Federal Laws & Segregation - Essay Example The discussion focuses on Massachusetts where land-zoning policy was crafted to improve living standards of suburban residence. Although the rule has been faulted from some quarters, its success lies on its implementation, thus, ensuring that its noble ideals are attained. Federal law and segregation Federal law is a comprehensive legislation that holds the capacity to improve the welfare of the US citizens. It was initiated with a clear mission to promote monetary and social autonomy in various states in the US (housing and planning association article, 1). However, its critics are pushing for some sections to be repealed asserting their inconsistency in serving the national interest. Federal policies have presented two major consequences that are viewed in dynamic perspectives by stakeholders in US and especially in Massachusetts. Firstly, the policies have promoted or favored investment in suburbs while neglecting central cities (Haverty & Regnante 1). The policies present relevan t incentives that are boosting construction of housing units in rural settings and creation of effective management plans that facilitate equality. Ideally, these guidelines were developed to uplift living standards in rural areas. The policies were set to empower the less privileged individuals in suburb areas. The rules equivocally encouraged monetary and political competition between the cities and rural settings that enjoyed local autonomy in terms of administration of possessions. The policies enable the locals at various states in US with reference to Massachusetts to gain absolute autonomy over land use, taxation, housing, education. However, critics of federal policies asserts that, development of distinct suburban rules, and the competition among local authorities have promoted economic segregation and suburban sprawl. The policies has created uneven operating field caused by inconsistent jurisdictional laws that have encouraged segregation in the US (housing and planning a ssociation article, 2). Although the federal policies provide noble intentions to facilitate equality in service delivery, their execution requires advancement of consistent strategies that are sustainable. This is necessary to avert possible traumatizing incidences of war, for example, civil animosity. Anti-Snob Zoning In 1969, Massachusetts authorities developed a law referred to as â€Å"Anti Snob Zoning†. The law borrowed the concept of the federal policies with an aim of regulating land usage to correct racial imbalance and help in developing affordable housing. The government adopted zoning bylaws that provided clear guidelines on land usage and construction policies (Hall730). The guidelines sought to regulate the construction styles, density, open space and building design but not to promote housing burden sharing. This was to ensure that the buildings put up conform to set standards as the construction guidelines of the city structures. This project was undertaken in the local areas of Massachusetts to uplift the lifestyle of the poor, which is a fundamental right. Clearly, the law sets up construction policies, defined zonal aspects of building and prospective beneficiaries. The designated zones include single residence, multiple, commercial and industrial residents (Hall 730). This

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Grand Tour and British Masculinity Term Paper

The Grand Tour and British Masculinity - Term Paper Example Nevertheless, most of the young men could go to the various nations to increase their knowledge and, as a result, it led to many benefits to the countries. The peak of the grand tour appeared when they were sending young men abroad, the French fashions and the aspect of gender of connoisseurship influenced most of them and the view of masculinity associated them. Most of the men had developed the aspect of genders and sexuality, and their manliness had been reflected in their conduct, advising and education, and this was associated with men from the upper and middle class (Hilton & Shefrin 2009, p. 12). The grand tour was one of the memorable moments in Europe, where many transformations were made. The grand tour was done by the wealthy young men and the royal families of Europe more so England, then the Americans, who could go to various nations and stay for years. Most of these men were writers, artists, architects, and thinkers who influenced the current European country. They came up with many ideas of trade, architecture and culture, which motivated more men to be sent abroad for exploration. The places they toured include France, Italy and Rome among others, where each nation had its benefit that they brought home. They were attracted by the landscapes, cities, and a warm climate (Verstraete 2010, p. 34). They were able to travel to various archeological sites, and they influenced the places they went with western civilization. Rome attracted them with the classical heritage that ran through the museums and towns with attractive cosmopolitan centers. At first, they traveled to add knowledge to their education. However, with time, they realized that apart from adding knowledge to education, they also had other benefits that they brought back home such as the new culture, architecture and ideas (Savage 2008, p. 12). The grand tour influenced the social, cultural, economic, architectural,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Family Assessment and Nursing Diagnoses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family Assessment and Nursing Diagnoses - Essay Example Family Assessment and Nursing Diagnoses Value/belief-this family’s greatest value was the health of its members. According to Mr. Jacobs, nothing matters in this life like the good health of his kids. The second value was education. For this matter, Jacobs made sure that his children went to school. He wanted these kids to have a bright future, I suppose. The family also had a strong belief in their religion. They never miss a single church service. Analytically, the morals of this family were shaped by their religious beliefs. Health perception- this family perceived health and life as a God given gift. Jacobs argued that good and bad health is determined by God. However, he admitted that one had to take good care of his health. He answered that the main cause of health problems was poor eating habits and bad lifestyle. When asked how his culture had influenced his perception on health, he said that his conservative nature had helped him avoid the modern lifestyle that lead to many diseases such as obesity. He argued that doctors cannot provide effective treatment without the help of God. Nutrition- Jacobs mentioned whole grain rice as the main staple food in the community and as the family’s favorite. He had raised the kids with this particular food. On the question of food quantity, he said that they were eating just enough. No meals were skipped. However, the daughter does not like to finish up her food from the plate. Rice was not the only meal in the family. They balance it with some red meat and potatoes.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

American post civil war (1861 - 1865)poet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American post civil war (1861 - 1865)poet - Essay Example on the market in the fifties rather than to, say, Equanil or Valium, gains ominous proportions when put in the perspective of a canvas which makes Lowell see the sun as a feared savage and the white magnolia blossoms as "murderous". True the metaphors are localised and the "rising sun" is symptomatic of the jaundiced imagination of the poet who fears passion and vitality, very much like an Indian savage in "war paint" who "dyes us red.† But what is more important than the intensifying death-in-life existence of the couple as explained by the pun on "dyes", is the association of this feeling of death with the word Miltown in the beginning of the poem. It is now that the word Miltown no longer remains a torment, but goes onto metonymically suggest such terms as Mill town, mill stone, and small town. It becomes an emblem of the space of doubt, of frustration, of angst that loomed large over the American population at a time when the first effects of a looming Cold War was being fe lt. The poets state of anxiety is thus immediately seen as true representation of a larger American dilemma, of a crisis that occurs in Small Town or Any Town in the United States. The image of neurotic fracture is intensified in the second half of the line and the dislocation of humankind is aptly shown in the image of the nuptial bed that has been replaced by "Mothers bed". Lowell seems to imply that this voice of degeneration, of aridity, of being a dislocated whole, is so alike the husband and wife, locked in a social charter called marriage and continuing to feel consummated, exhausted and dead in the relationship. He feels that these shadow lines can only grow larger until of course the marriage falls apart. In a way, the poem, trying to show the failure of the relationship, is an attempt to question the so-called Christian idea of family and happiness. It seems to make a mockery of the Christian values in a world where Miltown, the tranquilliser rules, and a space where, Miltown the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Family Poll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Family Poll - Essay Example As much as one would wish to have his/her decision to get married or not, some cultures have not option for that. They are very dictatorial in that, when the right time approaches, one has to get married. This mainly applies to the males. Slaves were not regarded in any way in the society. They held no rights; therefore, their marriage could not be recognized or rather respected. Depending on the motives of their masters, the slave masters could be given a go ahead to oversee the ceremony, and rarely would the local minister be allowed to bind the couples. It’s not yet determined where such a custom stemmed from, but whether in Africa or in foreign countries, it makes no difference. At first, the enslaved people were traumatized about this, but after realizing that nothing actually changed they got used to it and they partially embraced as part of the custom. They knew that actually one day, it shall come to surpass. On the other hand, regarding the marriage between African-American couples, we cannot conclude the culture started from the white world, since most of the niggers from the white world were sired by slaves during the early times and from that such people were incorporated into that society and now here they are!. It therefore still makes no difference considering their origin; they still bear the label of slaves. This will therefore, always contradict with the traditional rituals that are deemed sacred on matters pertaining to marriage. Culture or rather traditional rituals can be amended to suit one interest, as at the present moment it is not very much respected. The concept of ownership in marriage life is very fundamental in people’s marriage life. People rejoice and feel they are really married when they are bind by their culture which they themselves have implemented. In other words, how would one feel when ruled or governed by your own

Thursday, August 22, 2019

PROSTITUTION -this is for health ethics and law in Canada class Essay

PROSTITUTION -this is for health ethics and law in Canada class - Essay Example This theory fits very well with the argument supporting it, as it teaches that individuals have a duty and a responsibility of acting accordingly regardless of the consequences that will precede their actions (Longworth, 2010). The utilitarian ethical theory states that the choice that yields the greatest benefit to a majority of persons is the choice that is ethically correct. It places the locus of what is wrong and right solely on the outcome of choosing ones interest actions taking into account other peoples interest. The theory is against prostitution law in an effort of reducing suffering or negatives outcomes to the society. The principle based theory focuses on main principles of ethics such as respecting the person’s autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence practice. Thus, it calls for unethical stoppage of prostitution to protect human dignity (Irvine, Osborne, Shariff & Sneiderman, 2013). The ethics of care theory, on the contrary, is in support of prostitution. From the theory, it is important to understand the various degrees of dependence of each individual, as it is essential to consider different situations in an effort to safeguarding and promoting the specific interest of the victims involved. Many individuals see sex work as unethical yet for them; it is a source of live food, and they cannot survive without. This has been supported by moral relativism source of morality that is concerned with the moral judgment’s differences across different cultures. It acknowledges that individuals in one way will disagree about what is ethically moral, but nobody emerges objectively wrong or right (Fisher, 2013). According to subjectivism source of morality, subjectivism is according to the truth condition of utterance that â€Å"prostitution is wrong† from the moral human standard. Thus, it disapproves of the act subjecting it to be morally unethical practicing it. From objectivism based on authority source of

Btec Sport - Health Saftey and Injury Essay Example for Free

Btec Sport Health Saftey and Injury Essay Objective:- * To recognise and understand different types of injuries Types of injuries:- * Muscle strains tears, pulls and ruptures These are caused by vigorous stretching of a muscle or tendon. In is of regular occurrence in the hamstring and calf muscles when there is failure to warm up correctly before sport. The Achilles tendon of the calf can tear completely this causes sever pain. Tear is where the muscle has been torn, Pull is where the muscle has been stretched and a Rupture is where the muscle completely breaks. We will know when we have pulled torn or strained because there will severe pain and there will be difficulty when trying to use the muscle. There may also be swelling and later on bruising. * Fractured Bones (broken) A fracture is wear the bone cracks or completely snaps. Breaking bones is painful due to the amount of blood vessels and nerves in the bones. Fractures can be categorized in two ways. A Simple Fracture This is just where the bone cracks. A Compound Fracture This is where the bone sticks out of the skin. There is often tenderness around the bone making it hard to use and it will most certainly swell causing it to look deformed. * Joint dislocation Dislocation is where the bone is pulled out of its original joint. It is caused by stressing the bone, commonly by violent twisting. It usually happens at all major joints such as Shoulder, finger, thumb, elbow and ankles. The bone will be surrounded by swelling and covered in bruises and will be tender to touch. * Sprained Ligaments (over stretched ligaments) A sprain happens when a ligament or joint get overstretched and torn. Sprains occur when twisting your foot while running or other similar accidents. The sprain should be treated as a fracture if the ligament is torn because it is a lot more severe. The area of damage while be very sore and will hurt to move it or use it * Tendonitis Tendonitis is caused by overuse of the tendons, frequently in the lower arm in the lower arm; they then become inflamed and sore/painful. This is common with sports such as tennis and golf where the tendon in the elbow is under constant use. The elbow will be very sore and it becomes almost impossible to use without difficulty. Swelling will be visible surrounding the injured tendon. * Concussion Concussion is the result of injuring your brain from taking a lot of impact to the head such as being head butted or banging your head on a hard surface, these cause the brain to rattle around the skull. Concussion is often related with unconsciousness which often follows a serious head injury. In most cases the patient will become dizzy or drowsy and become confused. In major cases there may even be memory loss. * Graze, Cuts, Burns and Bruises These are caused by falling or scraping in a sporting event. They are usually painful but not very threatening and classed as minor. However some cuts can be very deep and would require urgent attention. Bruises will be painful but will not cause any permanent or long term damage. We will be able to recognise bruises by seeing discolouration of the skin and tenderness in that area. * Spinal Injury This is an injury to the spinal column. The spinal column contains nerves and ligaments and plays a major role in our body so when damaged by impact or strain it can be potentially dangerous to move without causing further permanent damage such as paralysis. This occurs after incidents such as car crashes and falls. You will be able to tell if u have damaged your spinal cord because it will be difficult to move and will cause a lot of pain. Objective:- * To recognise illnesses/conditions that can affect sports performance * To discover the causes of injury Types of Illnesses:- * Viral Infections/Diseases Chest Infections, Colds, Flu, Sickness etc. People suffering from viral infections will often have a high temperature, be suffering from pains in the muscles making them feel weak. If someone has a viral infection such as a cold they will probably suffer with a blocked nose, fever, sore throat and frequent coughing. Viral infections cannot be cured using antibiotics, however there are products available to help relive the symptoms. * Asthma This makes a persons airways constrict making breathing difficult. Constriction is normally triggered by certain events such as allergies and temperature change. People having and asthma attack will suffer with symptoms such as a tight chest, also they may start wheezing and be short of breath. This can be relived temporarily by using steroid sprays, one to open the airways when they feel they need it and one that should be taken daily to avoid having attacks later in the day. * Hypothermia This is where the bodys temperature drops below the normal temperature (around 36 degrees Celsius). The symptoms are usually tiredness, slurred speech and loss of coordination. In some extremities the colour and feeling can be lost in the hands and feet as the blood is being diverted away to keep the brain and heart working properly. People will generally feel better when they return to a warm environment as this will encourage the body to return to normal. Hypothermia is common with people such as mountain climber who are often exposed to cold environments for long periods of time. * Hyperthermia This is caused by exposure to high temperatures, such as being in the sun/high temperatures for long periods of time. The results of hyperthermia are that the person will be left exhausted. Headaches, tiredness and thirst are also associated. To relive these symptoms the person should drink lots of fluids, while exercising and when recovering. If the person becomes to hot they could potentially become unconscious then they would require the need of being put on a drip. * Hypoglycaemia Hypoglycaemia is caused by having low levels of glucose in the blood so enough isnt reaching the vita places e.g. the brain. It is commonly associated with people who have type 1 diabetes. Not enough food, too much exercise, consuming too much alcohol and having too much insulin in the blood all contribute to causing hypoglycaemia. The symptoms of hypoglycaemia are confusion, shaking, paleness, hunger and in some extreme cases, unconsciousness. Eating food rich in carbohydrates can reverse these effects quite quickly The Main Causes of Injury Internally Caused * Overuse Injuries * Sudden Injuries Externally Caused * Impact Injuries * Foul Play Injuries * Equipment Injuries * Accidental Injuries Internally Caused Injuries Direct result of the performer, no other person or factor is involved Overuse Injuries (Tennis/Golfers Elbow, Shin Splints etc.) These are caused by over training and over competing. Sudden Injuries These tend to be caused instantly because of over stretching, twisting and turning. They are commonly acknowledged with tiredness and fatigue and normally occur late on in a match. Also doing something too difficult can result in a sudden injury. Externally Caused Injuries Caused by someone or something other than yourself Impact Injury This is and injury from being hit or hitting something. These are often the result of things like:- * An Opponent * Equipment * Playing Surface * Playing Conditions Foul Play Injuries These are normally the result of another player breaking the rules and regulations of the game. They may be unaware of the rules or may be doing it intentionally to harm. Accidental Injuries Different activities have different levels and risk and higher elements of danger. For example Footballers are less likely to gain an injury than someone playing rugby due to it being more physical. Equipment Injuries Old or unchecked/faulty equipment can result in these injuries. Equipment must be frequently maintained to avoid these occurring. These can be as simple as blisters from overuse or in the most extreme cases, even death. Prevention of Injuries * Warm up; loosen muscles for prevention of pulling muscles. * Wear the correct equipment (shin pads), wear them correctly to ensure safeness. * Know and follow the rules of the game to be able to play fair, include using officials to keep the activity under control, this way players are less likely to get injured * Check all equipment is safe and in good condition to ensure faulty equipment cant injure you. * Dont over compete (not doing too much exorcise) * Weather conditions- make sure the conditions are safe (not slippery, stormy etc.) 1. Preparation Before playing or participating in any sport it is vital that you train to your age and you personal fitness. Also a good knowledge and understanding of the sport you will be participating in will also reduce the amount of injuries, a good respect for the rules and regulations of the game will reduce the injuries. A warm up and warm down is essential to help reduce the amount of injuries in the game. Consider having long hair, long nails, jewellery and also the types of clothing you wear could also give you an injury. 2. Participation By according to the rules could prevent an injury, by using reckless tackles and reckless play can injure you and the opposing player. Officials have got to be consistent and fair in their decisions for the game to be fair and this could prevent someone from being injured, players must accept these decisions given by the officials. 3. Equipment For the sport which you are participating in you need to be using the specialist equipment for that specific sport and has to be in good condition, such as shin pads for football, these have to be worn. All equipment has to be in top condition because if this equipment isnt safe and fails you could be seriously injured such as rock climbing etc. 4. Environment The area which the sport is being taken on has to be checked over for litter and unsafe objects. It has to be safe and appropriate. Also you have to check the weather conditions as this could lead the sport being potentially dangerous such as storms and windy weather. Risk Assessment 1. You are about to conduct a badminton coaching session in the sports all. * Make sure that none of the equipment is faulty. E.g. rackets have sufficient grip, nets secured correctly. * Make sure that there is no wet floor * Make sure there is no obstructions in the way of the courts 2. You are taking a year 7 group onto the field for football. * Make sure that everyone is wearing the correct protective equipment. (e.g. shin pads) * Make sure that there are no obstacles on the pitch or area where football will be played * Make sure the weather conditions are suitable for playing * Make sure that the pitch is suitable to play on by making sure its not icy or waterlogged Potential risk of playing- 1. Badminton * Fire * Falls * Foul play * Asthma attack * Hyperthermia * Slips * Lack of communication that could result in injury * Sensible behaviour * Know how to set up safe equipment 2. Football * Falls * Foul play * Asthma attack * Hyperthermia * Spinal Injury * Broken bones * Concussion * Weather conditions * Lack of communication that could result in injury * Sensible behaviour * Potholes * All spare equipment is out of the way * Posts are secured

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Higher Education In Promoting Cyber Entrepreneurship Commerce Essay

Higher Education In Promoting Cyber Entrepreneurship Commerce Essay 1.The Higher Education (HE) sector has become a popular feature of many areas of business and management research. Specifically, the interest of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurships associated with business development and considers what role higher education has play within these environments. 2. Education is a long continuous process in life. Students basically need to spend at least 6 years in primary school and another 4 to 6 years in secondary school before they can go for employment or continue their study in higher education. 3. In pursuing their education, most of them will be awarded with scholarships or education loan from government body or from any other financial institutions. 4. Student with clear objective will usually get through the education process. At the same time we should also realize the fact that some students will end up half way due to financial constrain, academic failure, lack of motivation, no clear objective, etc 5. Another problem faced by students, normally is job opportunity, long wait and queue to be employed. Parents seems facing dilemma whether to send their children to college without any job promising prospect, or to let them to work in order to reduce or minimize financial constrain. Hansads Reports from Malaysian Parliament shows there were great concerned among the members of the parliament regarding entrepreneurship program in Malaysian Heis is as follows: 6. Global unemployment rate is showing an increasing trend. Many factors contributed to the phenomena. This issues can be viewed from two perspective, which is global view and micro view. 7. From the global view, unemployment rate is contributed by many aspect such as collapse of the global economic system, recession, reduce in demand etc. The micro view claimed that unemployment rate contributed by external factors such as: attitudes, un ability to compete in the job market etc. 8. Reports from Bank Negara reveal that total population in Malaysia in the year 2007 were approximately 27.17 Million. Out of it, the total population for Malaysian age between 15-64 years were reported at about 17.62 M or 65% of the total population. 9.In year 2007 there were 3.516 M student age between 17 23 years. Out of that as many as 351,585 students pursue their study in higher education and apparently 210,950 graduates enter the job market. 10.There is no specific data on numbers of unemployment. Some claim that the unemployment numbers is between 50000 to 80 000. The closes reliable data released shows that out of 17.24 M the unemployment rate were 3.5 % 60,340 11.Entrepreneurship is being seen as a vital source of competitiveness and the engine for economic growth and development. According to (Nabi, G., Holden. R, 2008). Entrepreneurship activities among the graduatse in Higher Education are one of the key to unlock the unemployment problem among the graduate. (European Commission, 1998) suggested that comprehensive action to encourage entrepreneurship among the graduates is increasingly being recognized by political and economy bodies as one of the keys to unlock greater comparative in employment opportunity. 12.DR.22.03.2007 Ministry of Entrepreneur organizing program scheme for unemployment graduate. Among others program outline are: Graduate Entrepreneur program Graduate Franchise Program Techno-proneur program Incubator graduate program 13. DR.01.07.2008 Some members of parliament argued, without proper program, Heis will produce low quality graduate which will cost more problem to the nation and government should encourage entrepreneurship spirit and find ways to commercialize the creativity and innovative ideas among the graduate 14. E-commerce on the other hand offers an opportunity for students at college level to become entrepreneur and start business with minimum capital without ignoring the education. This method or channel of business would offer unlimited potential. 15. With the government backup such as incentives and assistance, those who venture or start this model of e-commerce can grow fast and big, with unlimited potential customers. There is a hope and belief that if students were exposed to e-commerce they can be guided to be more organized, more focus and self finance, thus achieve financial freedom and since the e-commerce setup is virtual , when they complete their study, they can take their business on their own without associating with the prior e-commerce model 16.Many researchers suggest that Higher Institutions should place to boost up the entrepreneurial spirit. (Kirby, 2002; David, 2006) identify the universities is the place where knowledge is developed, transformed and practice. Higher Education in Malaysia 17.There has been an increasing number of Malaysia in search of tertiary education in recent years. Therefore a comprehensive higher education plan should first be prepared so that the expansion and development of higher education will be in line with the aims of the Ninth Malaysian Plan (MP9). Specifically, private universities in Malaysia need a structure their tertiary master plans by analyzing the needs and objectives of prospective academics. 18.One aspect of an ideal educational objective is that it continues to produce university graduates with a high capability of becoming valuable parts of the countrys human resources in all areas. Thus, this objectives need to be sympathetic to the current development of Malaysia, they should also be able to continue contributing to the building of Malaysia into a quality nation. 19.The Malaysian government also needs to match this ideal objective with its existing resources, and if the resources are not sufficient, efficient and intact, the objective will need to be revised; for example, by allocating appropriate personnel to appropriate responsibilities, training the individuals efficiently, taking a fresh look at the structure of higher education bodies, and revising the higher education process to continuously improve it. In the context of the advanced developing nations, Malaysia has set a good example by coping with any problems and challenges that have arisen as it expands its higher education (Hussin, 2004). At the time of independent in 1957, Malaysia had only one university. Now it has increased to 20 public universities and 18 private universities (until 2007) that also offer excellent academic services. This has reflects that for developing nations education is the main component for nation growth. 20.In general, higher education institutions can be categories into two major components the Public and Private Universities. These universities run undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and also offer diplomas and matriculations for undergraduate programmes. The public universities are universities that are fully controlled and funded directly by the federal government and public sector (Selvaratnam, 1992). There are currently twenty public universities in Malaysia, established between 1962 and 2007. All this universities offering various disciplines namely UM, USM, UKM, UTM, UPM, UUM, UNIMAS, UMS, UPSI, UiTM, USIM, UDM, UMT, UTeM, UTHM, UniMAP, UMP, UMK, UPNM, and IIUM. 21.On the other hand, private universities in Malaysia vary from the universities that are supported by government business agencies (e.g. Multimedia University of Malaysia, National Power University of Malaysia, Petroleum National University of Malaysia), to those supported by political parties in the present government alliances (e.g. University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), an education arm of the Malaysian Chinese Association, a political party). In addition, there are also some branch campuses of foreign universities here (e.g. the campuses of Monash University and the University of Nottingham). There are also numbers of local private universities own by individual owners. In brief, there are sixteen private universities at this moment, catering to a high demand for the tertiary education in Malaysia. Higher education also consists of nearly five hundred private colleges to support this demand from a rapidly developing country. Details of the private universities and years of estab lishments (see table 1.1). 22. Table 1.1: Private Universities in Malaysia Bil University Year established 1 Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) 2000 2 University Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) 1999 3 Universiti multimedia (MMU) 1999 4 Universiti Industri Selangor 2001 5 Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia (MUST) 2000 6 Universiti Terbuka Malaysia (UNITEM) 2001 7 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) 2002 8 International Medical University (IMU) 2001 9 Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) 2002 10 Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR) 2000 11 University Terbuka Wawasan (WOU) 2005 12 University Antarabangsa Al Bukhari (AIU) 2006 13 Monash University Malaysia (MUM) 2000 14 University of Nottingham in Malaysia (UNiM) 2000 15 Curtin University of Technology Sarawak (CUTS) 2000 16 Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) 2004 17 Asia e-University (AeU) 2007 18 Al Madinah International University (MEDIU) 2007 Source: Ministry of Higher Education, 2008 ( 23.There were twelve private universities, two virtual universities and branch campuses of four foreign universities, as until 2007. The private universities have been vested with the right to award their own degrees at all levels, and the foreign universities award identical degree programs as at the host university. This will obviously mean that academic staff numbers must have increased. Table 1.2 shows the total number of academics staff according their qualification from the year 2001 until 2007. The data show that huge demands for academics. 24. Table 1.2: Number and Qualification of Academics in Private Universities (2001 2007) Degree/Years 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 PhD 235 767 868 1,030 1,338 1,463 1,070 Masters 2,016 3,919 4,744 5,958 5,344 6,077 6,846 Bachelor 5,108 7,231 7,030 6,753 5,887 6,601 7,754 Diploma 1,050 2,475 1,539 1,070 867 877 1,811 Total 8,409 14,392 14,181 14,811 13,436 15,018 18,081 Source: Ministry of Higher Education, 2007 ( 25. The programmes offered based on the field of study in private institutions of higher learning (IHls) includes social sciences programmes, science and technology programmes and technical and vocational programmes. Since establishment of the private universities ministry shows, that private IHLs offered more social science programmes rather than science and technical programmes. There are reasons for this. First, private universities have found by individuals or organizations. Therefore, they faced financial instability to offer more technical and science based programmes. Second, social science programmes required less capital, equipment, land and manpower to operate and maintenance. Finally, the demand for social science programmes is very huge due to educational policy which focuses on art stream in 1970s and 1980s. Consequent of this, more social sciences programmes becomes choices for young generation. Table 1.3 shows the details of the programmes offered by private IHLs. Table 1.3: Programmes offered based on field of study by private universities Programmes offered / Years 2004 2005 2006 2007 Social sciences programmes 716 817 850 620 Science and technology programmes 382 439 449 357 Technical and vocational programmes 166 194 189 140 Total 1,264 1,450 1,489 1,117 Source: Ministry of Higher Education, 2007 ( 26. The development of the higher education sector in Malaysia, consisting of public and private institutions, looks encouraging when considering the increasing number of institutions in recent years, but this does not mean that the demand for tertiary education in Malaysia is fulfilled. From the Nine Malaysian Plan (2006-2010) has focused to achieve the target of 40 per cent enrolment rate of the age group 17-23 years in 2010. 27. According to (King, 2003), there were not many research that focuses on graduate careers in a non-traditional context specifically graduate entrepreneurial careers in terms of entrepreneurial intentions and developmental experiences. More research needed in this area with the increasing numbers of students considering or pursuing entrepreneurial careers (Robertson and Wilkinson, 2006; Harding, 2007; Holden et al., 2007) and the diverse range of contexts in which graduates pursue an entrepreneurial career. 28. Secondly, there is a large body of research on entrepreneurship in general (Bridge et al., 2008; Henry et al., 2003), but much less so on graduate entrepreneurship (which as noted below has been distinguished from non-graduate entrepreneurship). 29.This is consistent with the ISBA Consortium (2004, p. 8) report conclusion that the literature is generally broad, fragmented and growing and, critically, that despite a wealth of literature from business and management and other disciplines, only a minority focus on graduate entrepreneurship (p. 10). 30.There is a continuing interest in graduate entrepreneurship intentions and attitudes thus it is important to understanding there is potentially increasing the number and sustainability of graduate start-ups. In relation to graduate start-up support, there are relatively few studies that focus on student/graduate enterprise and entrepreneurship education in varied and multiple contexts. 31.Graduate entrepreneurship (and entrepreneurship education) in a narrower perspective, also known as students/graduates who are in the process of starting up or trying to start up their own businesses and are learning skills for starting up a business 32.This is important because lessons may be learned and shared about curriculum development and the relative impact of different approaches used towards enterprise/entrepreneurship education and training Whilst accepting that there is debate around the meaning of graduate entrepreneurship (see, Nabi et al., 2006a for example), in broad terms, it can be defined as the interaction between the graduate as the product of university education and business start-up in terms of an individuals career-orientation and mindset towards self-employment 33.(European Commission, 2003; ISBA Consortium, 2004; Nabi et al., 2006a). different emphasis, definitions tend to evolve around the notion that starting up or trying to start up a business as representing an aspect of entrepreneurship (see Nabi et al., 2006a for more detailed discussion) Kirby (2004), do throw a question regarding HEs program, weather there are they trying to develop enterprising graduates or entrepreneurial graduates 34.Moreover, it is important to realize that the concept of the graduate entrepreneur is changing and evolving, and who and what constitutes a graduate entrepreneur is shifting from a skills-based agenda (looking at the tools and capabilities for start-up) to an entrepreneurial identity agenda (looking at the maturity of students/graduates, what it might be like to be a graduate entrepreneur, an understanding of themselves and the entrepreneurial lifestyle). Indeed, some of our research (Nabi et al., 2006b) and one of the papers in this special issue, by Hegarty and Jones, further addresses the notion of the graduate entrepreneur. In particular, the latter authors recommend that enterprise programmes should also focus on the aim to develop student Understanding of what entrepreneurs do, why they are important to the economy and more importantly to society. 2.3 Entrepreneurial Graduates Graduate students playing a crucial role in patterning the future of our nation. Quality student will positively contribute in ensuring the continuous sustainable growth in all aspect nation development. Not only on the economy, but also in minimizing the social problems. Current scenario shows, many social problems occurred, indirectly reflected by the quality of our graduate students. High rise of unemployed graduate, increased numbers on mental illness cases caused by social problem such as drugs trafficking, crime, etc. Student should be guided continuously and motivated. Only by motivation student will perform better in what ever there are involved. Students will do better and improved in their performance if there are crystal clear on what there are doing and what end result there are expecting. Moreover, it is important to realize that the concept of the graduate entrepreneur is changing and evolving, and who and what constitutes a graduate entrepreneur is shifting from a skills-based agenda (looking at the tools and capabilities for start-up) to an entrepreneurial identity agenda (looking at the maturity of students/graduates, what it might be like to be a graduate entrepreneur, an understanding of themselves and the entrepreneurial lifestyle). (Thomas W. Z,1994) define entrepreneur as person who creates a new business in the face of risk and uncertainty for the purpose of achieving profit and growth by identifying opportunity and assembling the necessary resources to capitalization. There is also endless discussion around types of entrepreneurship. Reynolds et al., (2004) distinguish between opportunity entrepreneurship and necessity entrepreneurship. In this article, I would like to table for discussion on another type of entrepreneur, which is cyber entrepreneurship. According to Carrier et al., (2004) Information technology is changing the world in more prominent than any other technology in the history of mankind. European Commission, (1997) had identifies there are two types of firm using IT technology in business. First is the firm with physical presence traditional company using Internet as a new distribution channel or also said as logical extension of their traditional business. Second the dotcoms, internet startups business. With the evolvement of Internet technology and cyber world, it is very crucial for Government policy makers and HEs management to seriously considering this medium to transforming graduate into self employment. 2.5 Cyber entrepreneur There are very little research done which promoting the term cyber entrepreneurs. There were some studies which referring the technology base entrepreneur with various term such as: IT Techno-entrepreneur were derived from the word technology entrepreneur, will be interchangeably used with the word entrepreneur in order to relate that techno-entrepreneurship are the subset of entrepreneurship. (Christian S., 2009) defined cyber-entrepreneur as an individual who creates a firm that is essentially founded upon e-commerce, and whose main activities are based on the exploiting networks, using internet, intranets and extranets. Cyber entrepreneurship is still in it emergent phase and there is more to know about the phenomena and the element in venture creation process (Carrier et al., 2004; Jiwa, Lavelle. Rose, 2004; martin Wright, 2005) We can conclude the terms cyber-entrepreneurship or cyber-entrepreneur can be referred to any start-up business or any attempt to exploit the information technology for business purposes and intended to gain profit in return. Those persons who set out to be IT entrepreneurs are often seen as special, brave, strong, or else well connected to sources of start-up income beyond those that could reasonably expect to obtain. Technology entrepreneurship, the act and process of creating new, technology-intensive start-ups, is a subject of increasing importance in many parts of the world. Entrepreneurship in parts of South East Asia especially Malaysia has recently undergone rapid revitalization. (Reina et al., 2008) stressed virtual or cyber based business in general have not yet reach the required level of maturity that would leave a lasting impact on the way company conduct electronic base business. Meanwhile the term Information Technology Techno-entrepreneur arose from within Malaysian culture to describe an individual whose entrepreneurial endeavors focus on to Information Technology oriented enterprise. Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development (MEDC) reported in 2007 annual report, reported to adjust and strengthened it direction from increasing number of entrepreneur of entrepreneurs, to focusing on developing quality techno entrepreneurs who are at par with the international entrepreneur. 2.6 Opportunity for HEs graduate to venture into entrepreneurship Turn ball et al, (2001) find out after sitting on the entrepreneur course, students attitudes towards entrepreneurship moved from negative to neutral. And lane, 2002 suggested mentoring activity is effective in changing perception towards entrepreneur. Comprehensive study done by (National Higher Education Research Institute [IPPTN], Feb 2003) on the unemployed graduate outlined the list of suggestion to improve the unemployment graduate. The final reports which were produced in Bahasa Malaysia outlined: Expose student in HEs in self employment potential. Provide entrepreneurship infrastructure in HEs Appoint entrepreneur Counselor Provide entrepreneur fund Develop an entrepreneur curriculum Skills training for graduating students Support and involvement by HEs 2.7 How HEs can initiate a cyber entrepreneurship activities Government and policy makers as well as HEs administrators should look for possibilities on imposing cyber entrepreneurship activities to those are interested. Followed are some possible approaches can be adapt by HEs in initiating and inspiring the cyber entrepreneurship activities in Malaysian education institution. In order to create interest and increase awareness, classroom education method is not the only approaches can be used. HEs can also used the alternative methodology to promote entrepreneurship. (Alperstedt and Henrique, (2006) introduced a Business Plan Competition as a alternative teaching methodology to promote entrepreneurship. The competition was coherent with its proposal of developing the entrepreneur interest into the participant. The study carried out, does not explore the implementation possibilities the business plan or creating their own enterprise after word. This writing would like to proposed some amended entrepreneur start up model which originally proposed by (Martyn. R. and Amanda. C, 2003), together with the methodology proposed by (Alperstedt and Henrique,(2006). During the plan period, enrolment in tertiary education institutions of all levels is expected to increase to 1, 326, and 340 in 2010 with 32.3 per cent at first degree and 35.8 per cent at diploma. To cater for the projected demand for tertiary education, the public universities not capable to fulfils. Therefore the present of the private universities play an important role in fulfilling the demand and nation growth.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Uses of Salt Essay -- Chemistry Salts Essays

The Uses of Salt Mineral halite, best known as common salt, has been one of the most abundant and used minerals over the centuries. It is essential for the human diet and is an important commercial chemical. Pure salt consists of two elements, which are sodium and chlorine [chloride]. Its chemical name is sodium chloride (NaCl). â€Å"In chemistry, common salt is one of a large number of electrolytic compounds classified as salts. The compound occurs as a mineral in the form of crystals and the forms of the crystals are generally cubic and are transparent.† (Encyclopedia Americana 163) Halite (sodium chloride) comes from the Greek â€Å"halos†, meaning salt and â€Å"lithos† meaning rock, and is better known as â€Å"rock salt†. Salt is produced by the evaporation of seawater, but the greatest proportion of salt produced is derived from rock salt and salt domes. Two ways to obtain these rocks are by mining techniques or by â€Å"solution mining, in which fresh water is pumped down into the dome and the dissolved salt solution pumped back up to the surface recovery.† (The Encyclopedia Americana 164) Salt plays many important roles in the human body system. Each human being needs approximately from four to eight ounces of salt. If this amount is not consumed or gained in some way, the human being could experience muscle cramps, exhaustion, convulsions, dizziness, and even, death in sever deficiency. Also, the digestion of food in the human body needs salt in order to function corre...

Monday, August 19, 2019

The American Communist Movement Essay -- power, control, leaders, socia

Political desire for power and control has resulted in the practices of socialism and communism. These political leaders have used this government control to influence and guide the economies for their own personal gain. During the early to mid twentieth century, the rise of socialism and communism led to economic, political, and social corruption throughout Eastern Europe, The United States, and many economies worldwide, resulting in the need for action against it. The introduction of government controlled economies led to devastating consequences that are seen in many aspects of life as well as in literature. The governmental shift towards social programs had many affects on the working class citizens and how businesses operated. At the start of the 20th century, the free market capitalist system became the popular model for most world economies. In fact, during this period, most economies were experiencing an economic boom. Globalization and the introduction of telephone communications was the starting point for growth and prosperity. However, the start of World War I destroyed over 20 million lives and slowed down the globalization of the world economies. World War I was a disaster and left people frightened and uncertain about the future. People were looking for a better way of life that was more just and the introduction of socialism and communism was born. â€Å"Communism required government ownership rather than private ownership of land, factories, and other economic resources, called the means of production† (Vontz). In addition, the party state was the Communist positio n that the party must defend all Communist countries against free market economies. Establishment of secret police and military forces were needed until t... ...ple who are free to choose and decide their future are in a position to succeed. Works Cited Fariello, Griffin. Red Scare Memories of the American Inquisition. 1st. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1995. 556. Print. Hayes, John E. Red Scare or Red Menace?. Chicago: The American Way Series, 1996. 214. Print. Rand, Ayn. "Anthem Equality 7-2521." N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr 2014. Ronald Reagan, "Tear Down this Wall," Making the History of 1989, Item #567, (accessed April 3 2014, 11 am). Von Drehle, David. "JFK." His Enduring Legacy. New York: 2013. Vontz, Thomas â€Å"Communism.† World Book Student. World Book, 2014. Web 13 Mar. 2014. Yergin, Daniel, Joseph Stanislaw, et al. Commanding Heights The Battle for the World Economy. Simon : Free Press, 2008. 535. Print. The American Communist Movement Essay -- power, control, leaders, socia Political desire for power and control has resulted in the practices of socialism and communism. These political leaders have used this government control to influence and guide the economies for their own personal gain. During the early to mid twentieth century, the rise of socialism and communism led to economic, political, and social corruption throughout Eastern Europe, The United States, and many economies worldwide, resulting in the need for action against it. The introduction of government controlled economies led to devastating consequences that are seen in many aspects of life as well as in literature. The governmental shift towards social programs had many affects on the working class citizens and how businesses operated. At the start of the 20th century, the free market capitalist system became the popular model for most world economies. In fact, during this period, most economies were experiencing an economic boom. Globalization and the introduction of telephone communications was the starting point for growth and prosperity. However, the start of World War I destroyed over 20 million lives and slowed down the globalization of the world economies. World War I was a disaster and left people frightened and uncertain about the future. People were looking for a better way of life that was more just and the introduction of socialism and communism was born. â€Å"Communism required government ownership rather than private ownership of land, factories, and other economic resources, called the means of production† (Vontz). In addition, the party state was the Communist positio n that the party must defend all Communist countries against free market economies. Establishment of secret police and military forces were needed until t... ...ple who are free to choose and decide their future are in a position to succeed. Works Cited Fariello, Griffin. Red Scare Memories of the American Inquisition. 1st. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1995. 556. Print. Hayes, John E. Red Scare or Red Menace?. Chicago: The American Way Series, 1996. 214. Print. Rand, Ayn. "Anthem Equality 7-2521." N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Apr 2014. Ronald Reagan, "Tear Down this Wall," Making the History of 1989, Item #567, (accessed April 3 2014, 11 am). Von Drehle, David. "JFK." His Enduring Legacy. New York: 2013. Vontz, Thomas â€Å"Communism.† World Book Student. World Book, 2014. Web 13 Mar. 2014. Yergin, Daniel, Joseph Stanislaw, et al. Commanding Heights The Battle for the World Economy. Simon : Free Press, 2008. 535. Print.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Otto Van Bismarck And State So :: essays research papers

Bismarck used the media to his advantage. He used it only when it suited him, and never realized that the implications he were presenting were wrong. When world depression in 1875 hit, and assassination attempts were made on the Kaiser, Bismarck engineered an outpouring loyalty from the nation to the Kaiser ~ anyone who opposed him or the Kaiser was characterized as a traitor, and disloyal. In 1878, an election proved Bismarck’s ideologies to be used truly to his advantage. Because emotions ran high during the assassination attempts, Bismarck was able to put together a coalition of conservative deputies that gave him a large majority and put the Reichstag in his “ultimate plan';. Because of his control on the media, and the way he took advantage of his situations, he was able to put off his masterful plans in the government, without being caught. He was walking a very thin line, and it is this trait that led him to his downfall. Many times, Bismarck used foreign policy to insure German security. It is especially clear, when we read that history on the three emperors and the dual alliance. Because Germany was in the center of Europe, it had powerful neighbors along its borders. Germany did not want to fight against Russia and France at the same time, and fights two battlefronts could lead to the destruction of Germany. France alone had no immediate threat, but if, by chance, it formed an alliance, Germany would be in grave danger. To prevent this, Bismarck sought out two other countries ~ Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary, to make the three emperor’s league. As well, the dual alliance made in 1879 proved to be another point where Bismarck used foreign policy to his benefit. To start his defense strategy, Germany called upon Austria-Hungary to come to each other’s defense in case of war and attack from another power. As a result of this strategy, it led to the renewal of the three emperors league in 1881. Again, Bismarck continued in his treaties, and signed in 1887 the Reinsurance treaty. This treaty involved Russia. Although these alliances may seem deceitful, it protected Germany and made Europe peaceful, which was Bismarck’s goal from the start. Bismarck clearly used state socialism in the building of the German nation. He recognized the needs of the working classes, and brought forward a series of welfare concepts initiated at the support of the workers away from unions. Otto Van Bismarck And State So :: essays research papers Bismarck used the media to his advantage. He used it only when it suited him, and never realized that the implications he were presenting were wrong. When world depression in 1875 hit, and assassination attempts were made on the Kaiser, Bismarck engineered an outpouring loyalty from the nation to the Kaiser ~ anyone who opposed him or the Kaiser was characterized as a traitor, and disloyal. In 1878, an election proved Bismarck’s ideologies to be used truly to his advantage. Because emotions ran high during the assassination attempts, Bismarck was able to put together a coalition of conservative deputies that gave him a large majority and put the Reichstag in his “ultimate plan';. Because of his control on the media, and the way he took advantage of his situations, he was able to put off his masterful plans in the government, without being caught. He was walking a very thin line, and it is this trait that led him to his downfall. Many times, Bismarck used foreign policy to insure German security. It is especially clear, when we read that history on the three emperors and the dual alliance. Because Germany was in the center of Europe, it had powerful neighbors along its borders. Germany did not want to fight against Russia and France at the same time, and fights two battlefronts could lead to the destruction of Germany. France alone had no immediate threat, but if, by chance, it formed an alliance, Germany would be in grave danger. To prevent this, Bismarck sought out two other countries ~ Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary, to make the three emperor’s league. As well, the dual alliance made in 1879 proved to be another point where Bismarck used foreign policy to his benefit. To start his defense strategy, Germany called upon Austria-Hungary to come to each other’s defense in case of war and attack from another power. As a result of this strategy, it led to the renewal of the three emperors league in 1881. Again, Bismarck continued in his treaties, and signed in 1887 the Reinsurance treaty. This treaty involved Russia. Although these alliances may seem deceitful, it protected Germany and made Europe peaceful, which was Bismarck’s goal from the start. Bismarck clearly used state socialism in the building of the German nation. He recognized the needs of the working classes, and brought forward a series of welfare concepts initiated at the support of the workers away from unions.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

I’m not scared plot

So they had a race of running straight up the hill and the last child who lost the game would pay a forfeit. Michele was just about to overtake the second child, Salvatore, who was Michele' best friend when he heard his sister Maria scream. His sister was only 5 years old and she followed her brother stubbornly to ake part in the race. nfortunately, she hurt herself and broke her glasses. Michele had to stop and turn back for her. However, he became the last one to reach the hill. When he was on the top of the hill, the others had gone. Michele and Marla found an abandoned farmhouse and other children were there waiting for them. Because of Michele and his sister's unusual situation, they decided to make Barbara do the forfeit. However, the forfeit was so indecent that Michele offered to do the forfeit Instead of Barbara. After doing the forfeit, he discovered a hole with a sheet covering t and there was a boys leg in it.He was frightened and left the farm house quickly. When Wchele and his sister arrived Acqua Traverse, their father had been home. He had left home for a few months and both Michele's mother and her children were happy to meet him again. Michele had an arm wrestling competition with his dad, and his sister helped him win the competition, so that their father gave them the present. They had a good time with family at that time. The following day, Michele woke up early and his parents were still asleep. He couldnt help thinking about the ittle boys leg in the hole of the farmhouse.Although he was scared, he persuaded himself and rode his bike by his own to that abandoned farmhouse. He opened the cover, and asked whether there was anyone inside the hole. However, no one answered him. He picked up a stone and threw it at the boy. The stone hit him on the foot. Michele thought he was dead. He wanted to go down into the hole and see his face. Inside it was cold and he found the little boy was as young as him. He touched the boy with his toe. When he t ried to lift the blanket off the boys face, the ‘dead' boy ent his leg.After that, the boy stretched out his arms toward Michele without eyes opened. They both started screaming. Michele was frightened; he grabbed the rope and shot out of the hole rapidly. His father was angry with him because he fell asleep on the way home and forgot the time. He got out of the house and climbed on the carob tree. When he came back home, his dad had gone. Michele and Maria and their mum had dinner together. Then they went to bed quickly, but Michele couldnt fall asleep and he kept thinking about the little boy. The following day, Michele's arents were out.He went to the hill again because he wanted to save that little boy. The hole wasn't covered this time. He thought that the guardians of the hole must know that their secret had been discovered. The little boy was very thirsty and Michele got him some water. When Michele was getting water, he found a pan that was Just like the one they had a t home. The little boy didnt move any more after drinking water, so Michele covered up the hole and went away. After lunch, Michele's parents went to have a rest and Michele started to search for the saucepan, but he Hllppo.However, Salvatore Olan't care aoou t Hllppo at all. He got Mlcnele out 0T nls room. Michele couldn't fgure it out why Salvatore considered his secret as rubbish. He left for the abandoned house and met Filippo as he promised. Fillippo had been washed by the kidnappers and no chain was in his feet. Michele suddenly had a great idea. He wanted to take Filippo out of the hole. He tried to persuade Fillipo to come with him. At first, Fillipo didn't dare to go out with him. However, Michele had to lie to him. He said he was an angel and he was going to take Fillipo to the heaven outside.Finally, Fillipo agreed to get out of the hole. Michele found a leader and helped Filippo out. They had a good time, then he sent Filippo back into the hole. When he was about to go b ack to the ground, the ladder was pulled away. He looked up and found Felice watching them. Felice found out everything. He knew that Michele had been here for many times. He caught Michele and beat him. Felice pushed him into his car, and insides there was Salvatore. Michele realized that it had been Salvatore who ratted to Felice and told his secret to Felice. Salvatore had sold Michele for a driving lesson.Michele was broken-hearted about Salvatore's betrayal, and his body was hurting. When his mum saw him, she was angry with Felice because Felice beat his son. Michele's mother was out of her control and tried to beat Felice. She was almost going to kill him. When Felice threw himself on top of her mum and tried to insult her, Michele's dad and the old man came in. Michele's dad pushed Felice away. The men had a talk and when Michele's father came back, it was night. Michele's father came into the room and talked to him. He swore to his father that he wouldn't come back any more. When Michele was with his friends, they suddenly suggested going up the hill to the abandoned house again. After discussing, Michele decided to go with them. Michele was very nervous, and it seemed to be rain. He persuaded himself to uncover the hole, and there was nothing in it, either Filippo. He realized that Filippo had been taken away by those adults without saying goodbye. Salvatore said he heard his father talking to the other guys and he knew where Filippo was. He told Michele that Filippo was at Melichetti's, down in the gravina. When they came back to Acqua Traverse, they saw two helicopters ppeared and all adults had gone.Michele's sister said all adults had gone to Salvatore's house after they saw the helicopters. Michele led his sister back home and had supper and then they went to bed. The adults came at midnight and they shouted so loud that they woke Michele and Maria up. Their mother came in and forced them to sleep. She stayed very long and got up because she thoug ht Michele and Maria were asleep. Michele spied on them in his room and heard them talking about a plan. They were discussing how to deal with Filippo. Finally they decided to kill him and finish the whole thing.Michele quickly dressed himself and Jumped out of the window to save Filippo. He found Filippo in a hole after innumerable hardships. He helped Filippo out of the hole, but there was not much time left for him to get off the hole. He ordered Filippo hide himself and get away. However, he couldn't escape from the hole because his leg was hurt and adults were coming. He didn't succeed in climbing out of the hole, and his dad didn't recognized him, he shot him instead of Filippo. He was hurt heavily and finally a helicopter came over. He sacrificed himself for Filippo.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Skills And Their Importance Education Essay

IntroductionSkill is an art of finishing work in a clip frame. It includes creativeness, work outing a job and managing clip. Different people have different accomplishments but one of the accomplishments is acknowledging the accomplishments they possess. Pull offing clip, organic structure linguistic communication, pass oning with people, reading are some of the type of accomplishments. Skills are required to assist ourselves for work outing different jobs that comes in our life and to acquire success in our life. There ‘s two type of accomplishment General Skills: Time direction, leading and capable of working in a squad, pass oning decently, reading, composing are some of the general accomplishment which is really indispensable for people. Specific Skills: Beyond general accomplishments or the accomplishment they have which are non common are specific accomplishments. Example Engineer. These types of accomplishments are non possessed by everyone. Movable accomplishments: The accomplishments which we have are used to bring forth another accomplishment is known movable accomplishments. Example if person has a accomplishment to play Similarly I do hold some accomplishments which are assisting in my day-to-day life though I need to larn some more accomplishments which would assist me for acquiring successful in life. I do hold a accomplishment for squad work and clip direction, reading, playing football and to make in writing designing and make some designs. In other manus, `I do lack communicating accomplishment. As I am foreign pupil here and English is non my first linguistic communication so I do hold job in speech production in English sometime. So I truly need to better my communicating accomplishment. I need to be advanced so that I can bring forth new thoughts which would profit me and the universe every bit good. 1.2 You will bring forth a proficient papers that could be used in an organisation utilizing at least two appropriate movable accomplishments Employers are ever looking for alumnuss who can rapidly suit in to their organisation and green goods added value for their company. The alumnus who is flexible and can accommodate easy is most likely to accomplish success both for the company and for themselves. Movable Skills are extremely valued by employers. So student should take the opportunity to develop these accomplishments at every chance in their degree class. There are many different movable accomplishments that should be possessed by a individual which could be used in an organisation. Some of them are listed below General Skills Academic Skills Interpersonal Skills Motor accomplishments Innovation skills & A ; Developing thoughts IT competency Self-motivation, self-regulation and confidence In modern universe, about everything rely on computing machine as it helps people in making work more easy, merely and systematic. It besides helps in making work fast so it saves clip. Presents even in school from basic degree pupil are taught computing machine. So people should hold at least cognition of utilizing some package like MS-office, which helps a batch in day-to-day life. So these accomplishments can be used in administration. As a administration has tonss of informations to be sent, saved and made. So making this full thing in computing machine makes it easier, simpler and systematic. Example In an organisation many information has to be sent and received and if these information are sent by station so it takes clip but if use electronic mail, information ‘s can be sent within a few IT competency is one of the movable accomplishments that can be used in an organisation. Second most of import movable accomplishments that can be used in an organisation are interpersonal accomplishment. Internal personal includes hearing, composing and talking. If a individual has a wont of listening to the talks in category in pupil life, discoursing the subject in category and making his assignment so, this sort of interpersonal accomplishments can be transferred in future. So subsequently he would be accustomed to this accomplishment and would be taking active engagement in meeting and seminar by listening to other ‘s idea and expresses his thoughts excessively. It helps to do programs and patterned advance of an organisation. As I work portion clip in a hotel as a housekeeper. There are some accomplishments I need to possess to execute my work. First I need to be punctual and be at that place in work at clip. Second, as I work with 2 other co-worker to finish the undertaking. I need to work as a squad. And I have team participant accomplishments which is assisting me at the minute in the work. 1.3You will warrant why it is of import to hold good movable accomplishments and the ability to pass on these across a broad audience. Movable accomplishments mean the accomplishments which we have and that accomplishment is transferred or used in making other work. It is of import to hold good movable accomplishments because it helps us making new work. Example if we are a good squad participant we can reassign our that accomplishment in occupation which would truly profit us really much because in work topographic point we meet different type of people and different people think otherwise so we should be able to work together with other people to run a office decently. Likewise if person is a director in a workplace so he should be able to take the people otherwise there may be a job and the direction can non travel smooth. Likewise if we have good mass communicating accomplishments so we can affect people by our words and ideas. And we would be able to show yourself to the universe. If we have good accomplishments in acquisition and reading, so we will be able to cognize other ‘s thought and with the aid of that thoughts we have create new different thought. Example Newton had created three Torahs which are used in scientific discipline for making many different things. So it has helped scientific discipline in many ways. Similarly, we need to hold movable accomplishments like Self-motivation Self-regulation Self-assurance Time direction If we have self motive accomplishments, it will ever take us to development. Example when we are in school, if we do n't acquire good classs at first so we need to hold self motive accomplishments to analyze more earnestly so that we can acquire good consequences following clip. And if we are able to get this accomplishment so we can subsequently reassign this accomplishment in different topographic point in workplace so that we would be able to make convey positive alteration and receive benefit from it. In other manus, clip direction is really of import accomplishment that everybody should possess because if we ca n't be able to pull off clip so we ca n't make anything. Example in a pupil life, we need to pull off clip for analyzing and excess course of study activities. This is every bit of import for our cognition and personality development. Equally good as, if we can be able to pull off clip so it will assist us in future.As everyone knows clip does n't wait for anybody and one time the chance is gone so the same chance ne'er comes back once more. And to be successful in life we need to be able to cognize the importance of clip. Example when we have to achieve some meeting and we if we do n't be able to be in clip we wo n't be able to discourse about the topic and decision. So it is really of import to hold movable accomplishments and which would profit us and to other people as good.

Crusaders vs. Invaders

In c. 800, Pope Leo III assigned Charlemagne as Emperor of the Roman people. This collaboration and mutual understanding between Charlemagne and the church paved the way for the numerous future successes in the conquest wars. The initial steps taken by Charlemagne as Emperor do not imply a lust for power or riches at any stage. What they did imply was his aspiration to educate the people and build an unbiased government system that solely functions towards the well-being of the whole empire.Moreover, the major cause behind the conquest wars led by Charlemagne against the German tribes was to announce the revival of the Roman Empire as far as central Europe, and provide an easy access for the church into the pagan tribes (Einhard 61). According to Einhard, in his book two lives of Charlemagne, the Saxons were an extremely disrespectful people. He states: â€Å"They are much given to devil worship and they are hostile to our religion. They think it no dishonor to violate and transgres s the laws of God and man. † (61).Although the Franks lived peacefully just across the river to the Saxons, consistent crimes like murder and theft eventually gave way to a ferocious war between the two parties. The sole purpose of this war was to convert the Saxons to Christianity and unite them with the Franks (Einhard 61-62). Although the Franks may have initiated the war, it is absolutely transparent that they had no intention of settling matters other than peacefully. This can be deduced from the fact that while crimes were being committed continuously, the Franks bided for a long time until they could endure it no more.It was not only the Saxon war, but the origins of the other conquest wars were also not quite different. For example, the war in Bavaria against Duke Tassilo occurred under similar circumstances. The duke made allies with the Huns disregarding all Charlemagne’s orders (Einhard 65). Einhard states in his book: â€Å"Not only did Tassilo refuse to ca rry out Charlemagne’s orders, but he did his utmost to provoke the king to war. † (66). Wars against the Slaves and Huns also lied along the same lines. Absolute disagreement and disregard of the king lead to unnecessary bloodshed with the same result.Although the actions of Charlemagne may appear to be quite reasonable, the wars fought by the Vikings in Europe are an entirely different story. Their advancements into Europe occurred in various forms; however, they always had a violent and ferocious touch to them. In addition, the Vikings were staunch followers of paganism at the time, making them a more unpopular figure in recorded history. Details of the siege of Paris clearly indicate that the Vikings were solely responsible for their war against Odo, defender of Paris.According to Frederic Austin in his book A Sourcebook of Mediaeval History, Siegfred, the Vikings leader, said to the bishop of Paris: â€Å"†¦if you do not listen to my demands, on the morrow our war machines will destroy you with poisoned arrows. You will be the prey of famine and of pestilence and these evils will perpetually renew every year. † Basically, the Vikings threatened the leaders of Paris that if they do not handover the city, they would wage war against Paris with all their force, resting only after its total destruction. In the same book, Frederic Austin narrates the story of Rollo’s conversion to Christianity too.Although initially he refused to pay respect to King Charles, his conversion had a profound effect on his leadership. â€Å"The duke established for his subjects certain inviolable rights and laws, confirmed and published by the will of the leading men, and he compelled all his people to live peacefully together. † (Austin 165-173). Literally speaking, a crusade refers to a collaborative attempt by a group of people that is aimed to achieve a credible cause, while an invasion implies to the disturbance of an event by an uninvited subject.After examining every war fought by Charlemagne during his conquests, it can be safely deduced that he never fought with the wrong intentions, but always aimed to spread the word of Christianity and enforce peace throughout the lands. Moreover, the wars though mostly initiated by Charlemagne, were always provoked by the opposite party. The Vikings on the other hand, were solely responsible for the provocation as well as initiation of wars. At the time of their infiltration into Europe, they mostly used violent methods to take over the city governments against the will of the people.Although Lief Erikson may have built whole towns in the Americas for permanent settlements, the program eventually failed and the spirit of that deed faded away with time, while the actions behind the more influential settlements of the Vikings in Europe were remembered. Works Cited Austin Ogg, Frederic. A Sourcebook of Mediaeval History. New York: American Book Company, 1907. 165-173. Einhard. T wo Lives of Charlemagne. Trans. Lewis Thorpe. New York: Penguin Books Ltd, 1969. 61-68.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Letter Form a Birmingham Jail Mlk

Oppressed feelings: No longer Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was incarcerated after fighting for his rights in a nonviolent peaceful protest to fight, exercising the first amendment of the Bill of Rights, and the Freedom of speech; an automatic given for those who do not consist of colored skin. In response, Dr. King wrote a powerful letter to the â€Å"genuine† clergymen announcing his strong opinions and beliefs toward segregation, discrimination, and racism. Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. executed such an overwhelming piece of writing expressing the poor treatment of African Americans, the explanations of his actions, and his opinions regarding a true and better government. He expressed his desire and faith for the greater good and change in this letter with the use of emotional appeals such as imagery, diction, and descriptions of his harsh personal experiences regarding segregation and discrimination because of his skin color.Paragraphs 14 and 15 consists of emotional twists from unjust laws and release a combination of emotional and harsh events from the African American’s reality that bring the reader into their perspective from a hated level. In these paragraphs, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gets more personal and specific about the harsh treatment of African Americans and personal experiences regarding their harsh reality. Imagery shows all throughout this paragraph to create powerful and tear quenching emotions from the reader to get you to at least slightly understand their perspective.Dr. King immensely expresses what not only he, but all African Americans are and have been going through. He is able to paint a picture in the readers’ head of the abuse, pain, and hatred they have felt. But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate filled policemen curse, kick, and even kill your black brothers and sisters; when you see the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society†¦(218).All I see is hate filled police and Caucasian’s with disgust in their face causing undeserving pain to people that only have one difference: their skin color. Although I was not there to personally experience this torment, Dr. King is able to withdraw my emotions with just the truth, and put me on his side. His picture withdrew disgust and angriness for what our society is and how human beings can be. That little piece of the actual paragraph is just a glimpse. Dr. King goes on and on about their mistreatment.They are not just pained physically, but they are also haunted emotionally and mentally as well, â€Å"When you are harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living in constantly tiptoe stance, never quite knowing what to expect next, and are plagued with inner fears and outer resentments; when you are forever fighting a de generating sense of â€Å"nobodiness†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬  (218). Personally, feeling alone and insignificant is one of my worst fears about life, and Dr. King along with â€Å"twenty million† others suffered from this feeling for centuries.Imagery was able to capture my full attention in this paragraph, allowed me to see a glimpse of their pain, suffering, and mistreatment. With the powerful impact of imagery in these paragraphs, it certainly wasn’t the only strategy he used. Diction was an immeasurable aspect of this paragraph. The structure of Dr. King’s vocabulary was eloquent and delivered in such a structured, skillful manner that he was able to draw tear-filled emotions to his audience. He used words such as ‘curse’, ‘kick’, ‘lynch’, ‘kill’, ‘smothering’, ‘humiliated’, and ‘despair’.These words are able to describe to the reader of the completely atrocious way peopl e treated each other because of such an insignificant matter, the difference in skin color. Just reading these chosen words and how well it played with imagery, I winced. Using diction is shown to be powerful in this case because if Dr. King were to have only said, ‘mistreatment’, ‘abuse’, or ‘discriminated’, it would not have withdrawn as much emotion from his audience at the time and the readers now.His in detail descriptions of his barbaric treatment and personal experiences is the most influential and compelling strategy in paragraph 14 and 15. The disturbing events that occurred in that time period showed how cruel mankind to be. Dr. King shares experiences such as explaining to his children their harsh realities at that moment in time: When you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her yes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky†¦When you have to concoct an answer for a five year old son who is asking: ‘Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean? (218). Children are thought to be so innocent, pure from hatred, and chance giving and then when their little hearts are corrupted to think they are less than someone else, and they feel like they are in a world full of hurt, what are they to do then?Dr. King also shares his bleak experiences of witnessing that hatred be performed with murder and being denied what is thought of as automatic rights. These personal experiences not only keep your nose to the paper, but it is appalling to know the easy capabilities we hold as human beings to torment others for little things not only mentally, but physically, to the point of taking their lives completely aw ay from them.These lives taken lived a life where they were beaten and never shown the feeling of whole freedom and life without hypothetical chains. Dr. King was able to use these experiences to squeeze emotions out of his audience. They not only described their cold facts, but it brought me to his level of understanding and on his side. Dr. King did more than just simply explain their experience. Dr.King described that they have been waiting â€Å"for more than 340 years for† their â€Å"constitutional and God given rights† and watching other nations such as â€Å"Asia† and â€Å"Africa† move â€Å"with jetlike speed toward gaining political independence†, but how the United States was still creeping â€Å"at horse and buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter† (217). He talked about how it was appalling for someone who never had to watch â€Å"vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters a nd brothers at whim† (218) to say, â€Å"Wait. That with everything they have been through, they cannot and will not endure it any longer. He strongly felt that this could happen no longer, and that if it took â€Å"disobey[ing] unjust laws† (218) then he would. These paragraphs proved to be a monumental breakthrough for this letter. He described how he wasn’t going to take it any longer. After a lifetime of witnessing hate, ignorance, and abuse, personally being discriminated and segregated against for his skin color, and being thrown in jail for peacefully protesting, exercising the first mendment, he was still standing strong in his beliefs, not backing down. He was able to persevere through so much, and he wasn’t going to stop until his point was being made and change was happening. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was able to execute these immaculate paragraphs through emotional appeals (diction, imagery, and personal experiences) to minimally just slightl y understand what he has been through, and that he will not back down or tolerate it any longer.His cruel reality was not the only thing to breakthrough his audiences’ exterior but his strong will and genuine personality was able to make a huge impact. Through everything, and only being shown hate and violence, he retaliated with calmness, peaceful protests, and nonviolent maneuvers. This was more than the rest of the human race was able to do. After that, Dr. Martin Luther King deserves all the respect in the world.